Clearoute Inc


Clearoute Inc. is a Canadian firm specializing in innovative business process optimization solutions. They offer a comprehensive range of services including marketing, branding, sales, automation, customized software solutions, and data analytics designed to help companies of every size and description refine their operations and achieve success.


In 1999, entrepreneur Shoaib Khan founded Clearoute Inc. In the company’s early days, it was a one-man operation, with Khan working hard to establish Clearoute in the highly competitive Canadian marketing and tech sphere, all the while holding down a series of separate full-time jobs. Between the years 2000 and 2011, as he guided Clearoute out of its infancy and into a prosperous operation, Shoaib Khan took managerial and consulting positions with Staples, Dell Technologies, Toronto Dominion Bank, and finally, Aimia Inc. During this time, Shoaib Khan’s employment status and busy schedule likely lengthened the amount of time it took Clearoute to grow, as he had to relegate the development of his young company to evenings and weekends, though he does credit these roles with helping him hone his business acumen.

In 2011, Shoaib Khan had developed and consolidated Clearoute to such a point that he felt comfortable leaving his position with Aimia Inc. and concentrating his efforts on his own company full-time. Soon thereafter, he began to hire in-house staff, all the while landing larger and more prestigious accounts. In the years to come, Clearoute’s client roster would include such corporate giants as General Motors, Audi, Nestle, Shoppers Drug Mart, Warner Brothers, Walmart, Sprint, Gilead, Abbott, AstraZeneca, W Hotels, Sony, and Johnson & Johnson, among many others.

In a February 2024 interview, Shoaib Khan describes how his leadership style evolved during this critical time period, citing Steve Jobs, the seminal founder of Apple Corp. as an inspirational model. “We all know what a magnificent ideas person he was—he’s practically the textbook definition of out-of-the-box thinking. But he was also deeply involved at every stage of Apple’s success. He took his great ideas from his garage to the world stage, and he fundamentally changed our civilization.” Similarly, as Khan took his own ideas out of the basement and into the boardroom, he made sure to remain intimately involved with all facets of Clearoute’s operations.

In recent years, Clearoute Inc. has rolled out highly refined versions of what have come to be known as their signature services. Chief among these are strategic consulting in brand development, performance marketing, technological innovation, and financial planning. But the company also excels in other areas, such as sales strategy and optimization, in-depth market analysis, sales process refinement, customer relationship management, and team training. Their digital marketing and e-commerce services feature targeted advertising, conversion rate optimization, and comprehensive market research. Clearoute also provides content marketing and search engine optimization to boost clients’ visibility, making them easily discoverable by their target audience, as well as offering elite social media management services to build robust client communities. Finally, Clearoute supports businesses with fundraising and capital campaigns, ensuring they secure the financial resources needed for success and growth. 

Products and Services

Clearoute Inc. offers a broad spectrum of products and services to help businesses run more smoothly and efficiently. The firm customizes their solutions to fit each of their client’s needs. Some of their services include advanced data analysis tools that help companies understand and use their data to make smart decisions, automation tools that make repetitive tasks easier and boost productivity, and bespoke software creation and installation that aligns seamlessly within existing systems. Clearoute also helps businesses with a wide variety of marketing and branding initiatives to improve their market presence, including SEO content and social media management. Additionally, they offer sales strategies and tools to increase revenue and grow market reach.

Financial Performance

Because Clearoute Inc. is a privately owned company, the details of its finances are not accessible to the general public. It is generally thought that the firm’s annual revenues are in excess of CAD $5 million but less than CAD $1 billion.



Expanded client roster to include top-tier corporations.
Established an innovation center to drive continuous research and development.
Upgraded software company-wide to incorporate the latest in AI and machine learning for predictive analytics and the provision of more effective services.
Successfully established a presence in key international markets, including founding an office in Dallas, Texas, increasing the company’s influence globally.
Implemented eco-friendly practices, reducing carbon footprint across all aspects of operations.
Actively participated in local community outreach programs and supported international charitable initiatives, such as the ‘Heal’, ‘Share a Meal’, and ‘Clean Water’ campaigns launched by the nonprofit organization Humaniti.