Brazil Potash

Brazil Potash is a fertilizer company focused on extracting and supplying potash, a vital mineral for agriculture, to reduce Brazil’s dependence on imports. With the launch of the Autazes Potash Project, Brazil Potash aims to produce more than 20% of Brazil’s potash demand each year, contributing to sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions. The company is privately held, open to investment, and seeks to create shareholder value through its strategic Autazes Potash Project.

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Brazil Potash is dedicated to extracting and supplying potash in the Amazon region, working towards reducing the nation's reliance on imports, as 96%+ of its consumption is currently imported. The company is committed to the region's sustainable development, partnering with communities, public agents, and non-governmental organizations to ensure responsible growth.

The upcoming Autazes Potash Project, located 120 kilometres southeast of Manaus, has the full support of the Brazilian government and will cater to the country's agricultural sector. Brazil Potash aims to produce more than 20% of Brazil's potash demand each year, with plans to double the project's production from 2.2 million tonnes per year to over 5 million tpy. This increase in production could potentially turn Brazil into a net exporter of potash in the future.

Environmental sustainability is a priority for Brazil Potash, as the Autazes Potash Project plans to source 85% of its power from renewable energy, significantly reducing carbon emissions. The supply of Potash closer to the farmers will also decrease emissions from potash transportation.

Brazil Potash's commitment to sustainable development extends beyond its operations to include strong ties with local communities. The company has pledged to contribute to the economic and social development of the regions where it operates. This commitment is reflected in various initiatives such as job creation, training of local workers, and support for community projects. The company's sustainable practices aim to deliver benefits that will improve the quality of life for local communities and foster a robust and resilient local economy.

Furthermore, Brazil Potash is at the forefront of technological innovation within the potash industry. The company continually invests in research and development to improve extraction methods and increase operational efficiency. This commitment to innovation reduces environmental impact, lowers production costs, and leads to a more sustainable potash supply chain.

The Autazes Potash Project, in particular, is a testament to Brazil Potash's technological and environmental ingenuity. The project's design includes state-of-the-art facilities that comply with international safety standards and the latest advancements in potash processing technology. This will not only boost the project's production capacity but also minimize its environmental footprint.

Brazil Potash also understands the importance of stakeholder engagement and transparency. The company maintains an open dialogue with investors, local communities, and regulatory bodies to discuss its activities, address concerns, and seek input on its initiatives. This transparency and engagement contribute to a strong and trusting relationship with all stakeholders, which supports Brazil Potash's long-term success.

Brazil Potash's leadership team is comprised of industry veterans with a wealth of experience in the mining and fertilizer sectors. Their combined expertise and strategic vision drive the company's mission to become a leading potash producer while also contributing to the sustainable development of Brazil's agricultural sector.

By positioning itself as a leader in the potash industry, Brazil Potash is setting a benchmark. They are demonstrating how a company can be both profitable and environmentally responsible, proving that these two concepts are not mutually exclusive but can indeed be mutually beneficial.

Brazil Potash is also dedicated to maintaining a strong corporate governance framework that aligns with international best practices. This includes maintaining a robust system of checks and balances, ensuring accountability at all levels, and promoting ethical business practices. This commitment to high standards of corporate governance further enhances the company's reputation and ensures its operations remain transparent and accountable.


Matt Simpson

Adriano Espeschit

Davidson Aquino
Finance and Administration

Marcus Pedrini

LĂșcio Rabelo